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Original ASL & Sign Language stories like you have never seen before!

MAGOmovies, a collobrative effort between Deaf education teachers and interpreters, has created a magical realm of visual ASL video, allowing learners to focus on handshapes, movements, and concepts.  Allowing viewers to explore their imaginations, beyond the story itself.


DVD's contain

*Original skits and stories for your classroom or living room.

*Content that enhances visual recognition, conceptual thinking, and thinking outside the box.

*Content that enables viewers to actively produce original ideas to collaborate with the stories.

*Content incorporating ASL, mime, the manual alphabet, natural signs, and body movements to create a truly unique learning and viewing experience.


"I am using all three of these DVD's in my Deaf Education classroom, and the kids absolutely love them!  A fabulous response from the students and the lesson ideas were really helpful to me as a teacher."

Julie Beard, teacher of the deaf, CA


Sample from an ASL educational video by MAGOmovies.

The Magnificent Mago

Seattle & Toronto

International Deaf Film Festival

'Showcase Short' Winner.  2012

Sample clips from the DVD series
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